My Journey


I have to admit starting this journey I am a little nervous, I am not sure what I’m doing and how this process is going to unfold. I started in the Internet business about 2 1/2 years ago, I am a graphic artist and I love to draw and do designs. So I decided I wanted to open the website for graphic arts and logo designs. In the process of trying to open my graphic arts store, I realized all the work that I would have to do to get it started. What I mean by that, is I love to draw in design logos. I have never done it as a real job before. I’ve done it on the side for many years, I have also done airbrushing in stage and set designs. I love to do it. But one of the reasons why I wanted to start an Internet business, if I wanted to do less work. 

This is when I realized, if I start a graphic design business, I am going to have to do a lot of work, designs usually take a while, sometimes it can take a long while. I can get consumed for hours on end, and I knew if I had a lot of work I would be working a lot. And I think my love for art would die if I worked a lot of hours just doing that, I love my art, but I don’t think I want to do it for a living. I know that sounds kind of crazy, doing something you love for a living is always a dream of people. But as I thought through the process, I was thinking that I might not like it if I had to do it all the time.

When I started…

Anyhow in the process, trying to start a graphic design business, I came across other ways of making money online that I wanted to try. One of the ways that I heard of was dropshipping. As I investigated it I bought some videos on how to open up a store and learn the dropshipping trade. I was very intrigued with it, because it seemed like once you got it going there would not be much work involved. So I opened up a store started loading product in, started running ads to these products. there was a point I started to make some money, I was pretty happy. But, and here’s the but, I did not make the money back that I put in, I’m not saying I would not have. But the money I put in, far exceeded the money I got out. So about a year and a half ago about the time of corona started, I decided to stop. I am still wondering if I made a mistake.


There’s many other things I’ve tried to, drop shipping was just one. I tried and open an SEO website, started to learn about SEO. I did this because I thought I could build something and not spend as much money to get it off the ground. But I have to admit I made no money doing an SEO. So I got tired of spending money, and I wanted to try and do something where I didn’t have to spend so much to get things to go off the ground. This is when I started thinking about affiliate marketing

One thing I’ve learned in the process of the last couple years how to build websites, which I enjoy immensely. I’ve learned a lot of things when it comes to the back end of programming. Which helped me immensely to a lot of these programs I was introduced to through the years. I think there was something else I see as I look back and the last couple years of me learning this. He said think I need to stick to one thing and keep doing it, learning from my mistakes, correct him, and keep moving forward. I really think I learned and drop shipping, and if I would’ve stuck with it I wonder where I’d be today. I kind of think I gave up too quickly, even though it cost me money at the beginning, I wonder if I really would’ve started making money in the end. I’ve been a machinist most of my life, and I think God has given me the ability to analyze and fix things. I think I’ve always been able to look at things, analyze them and make them better. This is one thing I failed to do in my drop shipping business. I think I gave up a little too easy. This is one thing I do not want to do with affiliate marketing. So I am beginning my journey again, this time with a not quit attitude. So I will see what happens.

Taking My First Step

After doing some research I came across this: John Thornhill ambassador program. This did cost a little money to get involved but I decided to give it a try. One thing I like, he walks you through setting up an auto responder email account, and provide you with over a years worth of emails. It takes about a half hour to get set up. There’s plenty of videos, and ways to start promoting and getting started. 

I like this program because he walks you through step-by-step in Setting everything up. I don’t like the fact that he’s given me over a years worth of emails, with evergreen products link to them. Every time I make a sale, he splits the profit 50%. So all I have to worry about is to get people to sign up to the program. I hope in doing so, I will eventually start to make money, to learn more about affiliates to eventually do it on my own. But I thought what an easy way to start, just start running traffic to the link you provided. Hopefully start making money and get things going.

So Here’s My Challenge To You


So if you’re a newbie or beginner wanting to start to do affiliate marketing, here’s my challenge to you. Just start. You got to start somewhere, so I say just jump into the water and start something. Maybe you to want to do the John Thornehills Ambassador Program? But if not start somewhere, start your learning, and keep going and doing something. I’m sure I’m going to make a lot of mistakes, and you will probably to. But start doing some thing start walking in the direction you want to go, you never get somewhere if you don’t start the journey. And if you get involved with John Thornhill, maybe we can do this journey together. I am going to try and post at least once or twice a week on my journey, what I have learned in my mistakes. I hope other people will post to and get involved. But even if they don’t I am going to start this journey and see where it ends, and pray that I have the wisdom to know and learn from my mistakes. So here we go…….


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