Learn To Post on Facebook: a Step By Step Quick Guide

So, you want to make more people like your Facebook page, like your posts, and engage with your content? The problem is that you’re not really sure to know where to start because you don’t know much about social media. You wanna know how to post on Facebook and be successful? With this guide, not only will we teach you how to post on Facebook and boost engagement, including ad types and budgeting. Socially boost your posts: The first thing you can do is strategically plan and schedule your posts. It’s not only important that you turn on notifications for important events, but also keep track of time zones. Always know the best time to post. If you’re ever unsure, the easiest way to find out is just to ask Facebook… In fact, Facebook has a really nifty feature that could save you precious time. You simply type “Facebook will do it!”, and you’ll instantly see a preview of the post that you’ll get and it’ll also explain to you why it will post at that time.

What should I post?

Let’s make this super simple to learn how to post pictures on Facebook. But, first of all, we need to clarify what Facebook posting means. First, you can post just about anything. You can post anything that relates to what you’re selling, but it generally means anything from your blog or website to a Facebook ad, Facebook pages, FB groups, Facebook event, Facebook Live, Instagram stories, or other places where you can share content. Facebook’s guidelines are that in most cases, you can post any form of content.

What Should I Include In A Page Description?


We love how easy it is to include text and images on your Facebook page via the page description feature. You’ll definitely want to use this to include an image of your products and services or any other page elements that you want to be showcased.



Tags are great, and we’re going to show you exactly how to use them on your Facebook page. There are lots of uses for tags on your page including when you post a picture, video, or other content. You could be tagging a business page or a person on your timeline.

By the end of this guide, I’ll show you how to quickly schedule your posts. We’ll also look at Facebook’s algorithm to learn more about posts.

While you could just start posting right away like we’re doing right now, there’s a much more efficient way to do it. Rather than start posting right away, we’re going to look at each of Facebook’s features and why they are extremely useful for you.

What’s the difference between pages, groups, and events?

So, in this quick Facebook for a beginners blog post, this question is already answered – but not fully. If you’re thinking “What’s the difference between pages, groups, and events”, that’s a pretty fair question and a lot of people struggle with this, to be honest. All three are important for marketers/business owners. They all do different things but Facebook has made it simple for brands to link everything together. The difference really comes down to one thing – Pages. Pages are like a personal profile. A Facebook page contains your personal profile with pages and events all the way down to groups. Groups are basically your groups of friends. Events are essentially a meeting you go to. We’re going to keep it super simple to get this out of the way at the start. If you’re anything like me, you’ve had friends ask you the following questions before:

1. When’s the last time you saw your cousins?

2. Who was at the wedding of my best friends’ sister?

3. What’s up with that new girl I’ve been seeing lately?

I’m going to keep this one simple.

How To Get Facebook Page Likes?

I know this is a really simple question; everybody wants to post to their FB page or their personal FB page. The best advice I can give you is to post to the page you will be wanting to acquire leads.

If you are trying to get people to a page that caters to a local community, then do so. If you are on the hunt for people in the United Kingdom then it’s best to go after that audience. Your goal for this page is to get likes and then be sure to pay attention to the analytics of these likes. If you don’t get any, you need to retry; you might need to tweak and reword.

Locate your best-performing pages and posts and then look to see what they have for a reason you can identify. If you can’t figure out why you are getting such good results, don’t take the page off the list – it might be the page itself! Remember, if you are only looking to just generate likes on a page, then you need to start somewhere – you don’t need to start with 1,000 likes – you just want to start out with a few hundred.



If you are trying to keep track of the page likes that you have on Facebook, then you need to access Page Admin. It is the most accessible way to view these stats. The data you get is useful. It allows you to have a look at who your fans are, which friends like your page, and see which posts have been most popular.

To make sure you keep paying close attention to what you need to do, you can use tools that allow you to check the performance of every page you’re managing. You can view all the data you need, see what the traffic pattern is, look at engagement, and more. However, it’s an expensive tool.

How To Get Facebook Page Posts Shared?

Like most things in life, it is usually the simplest solutions that work out best. There’s some cool data and insights available to those who put a little effort into it. A few days for a couple of hours and you will be well on your way.

You may have seen people using the “Share this page” link below the post on this site or on a Facebook page to get the likes on posts. The truth is, this method could be a bit misleading. One simple thing you can do to get the engagement high is to give people more reasons to share your page posts. Make sure everything is perfect and your posts are really good. 

You could post a post with a picture, a video, a blog, a status update, and a question!

More way to get shares is that Facebook shares make it easy to do so. It’s hard now to find an article that’s on Facebook. So, we should share something and get some likes!



People like to read things they like and feel part of a community. That is why when you post on your Facebook page, people respond and like what you have to express. If you start paying more attention to what you are posting and if you have a quality presence on Facebook then more people will start following you. The more you expressed what you believe more possibilities of shares you will get people. People like other people to be authentic where we express ourselves in an honest way. 

How Long Do Facebook Posts Need To Be?


If you are thinking of growing a page by posting videos, then you should ensure you have the right resources. People usually do their best work when doing what they love and where they are comfortable. The post that will grab the audience will be shorter content for Facebook.

There is really no definite answer how long your post should be. If you were writing about things that are very interesting to your audience, things that will keep their attention, it doesn’t really matter how long it is. People will read things that keeps them interested. So keep in mind that you are writing to your audience, they are following you for a reason. Keep that in mind when you’re writing your post. The reason why you’re writing your post, and your audience.


This is just a short guide, if you follow these recommendations you will start to increase your shares and likes on your posts and pages. Just always remember to be authentic in your writings, write and share about things that come from the heart. People will find it interesting and engage in your posts and pages. Well here’s to happy posting, jump in and just do it.

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